
Cloud station Server + DS Cloud (Android) Vs Drive + ...

2018年1月25日 — 'Drive' server/client seems half baked. Have I missed something? Is this correct?

Cloud station server vs synology drive server

2023年11月19日 — Drive limits syncing to the /Drive folder and Teams folders, whereas Cloud Station could sync any folder in the user's home (maybe even and ...

DSM 6.1.7 & Cloud Station vs Synology Drive

2022年1月10日 — Before upgrading my DSM, I was using the Cloud Station to sync 2 synology NAS easyli (mine using XPenology and another real synology). After ...

Synology Cloud Station

Although the Synology Cloud Station server is discontinued, Synology Drive continues to serve users at home, in offices, or enterprises. As the successor of ...

Synology Drive vs Cloud station Drive

2018年12月12日 — Drive is just a newer version of Cloud Station. Drive lets you do a one-way sync like cloud station backup does tho that's not an ideal backup ...

Synology Drive 与Cloud Station 之间的功能区别是什么?

下表比较了桌面实用程序Synology Drive Client 与Cloud Station Drive and Backup。 桌面实用程序, Synology Drive Client, Cloud Station Drive 和Cloud Station Backup.

Synology Drive 與Cloud Station 的功能有何不同?

2022年7月18日 — Synology 知識中心為您提供全方位的技術支援,包含常見問題解答、疑難排解步驟、軟體應用教學,以及您可能需要的所有技術文件。

Why We Love Synology's Cloud Station

2024年3月8日 — Currently, we're using the automatic Hybrid RAID offered by Synology DiskStation, which allows one hard drive to fail without data loss.

將Cloud Station 升級至Synology Drive 前應注意什麼事項? ...

2022年12月26日 — Cloud Station 應用程式,包含Cloud Station Drive、Cloud Station Backup、Cloud ... Cloud Station Server 升級至Synology Drive Server 後仍可繼續運作。


2018年1月25日—'Drive'server/clientseemshalfbaked.HaveImissedsomething?Isthiscorrect?,2023年11月19日—Drivelimitssyncingtothe/DrivefolderandTeamsfolders,whereasCloudStationcouldsyncanyfolderintheuser'shome(maybeevenand ...,2022年1月10日—BeforeupgradingmyDSM,IwasusingtheCloudStationtosync2synologyNASeasyli(mineusingXPenologyandanotherrealsynology).After ...,AlthoughtheSynologyCloudStationserveris...